Welcome to the Chicago area POTN events page!


This is the place to learn about upcoming events where local POTN shooters will be found, and to keep in touch with local POTN friends.


To subscribe (or unsubscribe) to our email list and/or have your information listed here, contact Curtis N.  Be sure to give me all the pertinent info (Name, POTN screen name, hometown, email, website or gallery address).


To announce an upcoming event, contact Curtis N.


Subscription is open to all members of Photography-on-the.net Canon digital photography forums.  If you aren't a POTN member, click the link to visit and join.


Canon Digital Photography Forums


This web page and email list are privately owned and not officially connected with Photography-on-the.net.


Upcoming Events

Last updated 6/3/08


No events scheduled at this point, but join the discussion in this thread to help get something going!


Recent Events

Saturday, April 19, 2008 Milwaukee Zoo

Photos in this thread.


Current Chicago area POTN members/subscribers


Name POTN Screen Name Hometown email address website/gallery
Dino Actipis yellowroadster Buffalo Grove, IL dino@yellowroadster.com  
Tiffany Austin sevillafox Belmont, WI sevillafox@mchsi.com http://redfoxphotography.us
David Babb WkDave Chicago dave.babb@gmail.com http://davidbabbphotography.com
Kevin Bailey stuffjunkie Wood Dale stuffjunkie@comcast.net  
Mark Bellot mbellot Des Plaines mbellot@wiwway.com http://mbellot.smugmug.com
Kevin Breit KBreit Buffalo Grove KBreit@gmail.com http://flickr.com/photos/KBreit
Chris Castaneda cjcastan Chicago cjcastan@yahoo.com  
David Cole DaveCole650 Mt. Carmel davecole650@yahoo.com  
Ed Dilorenzo dilorenzo1954 Chicago edl1032@comcast.net http://flickr.com/photos/edl1954
Matthew Estes mestes Machesney Park me@mattestes.com http://flickr.com/photos/mattestes
Julie Ford ebondanes Aurora JulieFord@ebondanes.com http://juliefordphotography.com
Michael Franklin Franko515 Crete franko_515@yahoo.com  
Paul Giancola pgiancola Chicago familia_photo@sbcglobal.net http://familiaphoto.zenfolio.com
Brandon Gittelman musicmaster Naperville bgimaging@gmail.com http://bgimaging.wordpress.com
Dan Hackemer Dannosix Aurora dimages@comcast.net http://pbase.com/dannosix
Michael Heliker Mikelangelo West Chicago mike@mikelangelo.com http://mikelangelo.com/blog
Ayman Hussein Ayman86 Chicago ayman86@comcast.net http://aymanhussein.com
Nate Kinnee nater Arlington Heights thinknate@gmail.com  
Kevin Miller Bioshock South Bend, IN emailtokevin@gmail.com http://kmillerphoto.com
Curtis Newport Curtis N Belvidere curt@performancephoto.us http://performancephoto.us
Becky Newport Becky N Belvidere becky@performancephoto.us http://performancephoto.us
Chris Parker Stoph Algonquin chris@tri-tel.com http://stoph.smugmug.com
Mone Petsod pitimpinai Chicago pitimpinai@sbcglobal.net  
Sal Piro Captain Cutler Warrenville spiro1961@comcast.net  
Ross Prohaska Metalman1010 Edgerton, WI Crossczechphotos1@mac.com http://crossczech.smugmug.com
Dan Ramir Dansndais Chicago, IL dansndais@sbcglobal.net  
Eric Rapczak ERapczak Janesville, WI rapsac82@gmail.com http://flickr.com/photos/erapczak
Will Ryan willryan42 Palos Hills willryan42@yahoo.com http://flickr.com/photos/williamryan
Jeff Seivert jseivert Kenosha, WI jseivert@hotmail.com http://seivertfamily.com
Dan Skrezyna skrezyna Oak Park, IL dan.skrezyna@gmail.com http://danskrezyna.com
Dan Svoboda Soxfan356 Chicago soxfan356@sbcglobal.net  
Michael Thomas Michael1116 Oconomowoc, WI mthomas5@charter.net http://flickr.com/photos/canonshooter
Cassandra Thompson Cassie Chicago thompson-cassandra@sbcglobal.net http://thompson-photo.smugmug.com
Anthony Tran ph0ngtran Romeoville ph0ngtran@yahoo.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/thirdparty/
Chilin Tran pampers37 Glendale Heights, IL chilintran@gmail.com www.flickr.com/photos/chilintran
Dan Wiegel static585 Crystal Lake, IL kc9eax@yahoo.com http://flickr.com/photos/wiegelphotography
Geoff Wilde Hawk911 Racine, WI hawkphotography@earthlink.net http://hawkphotography.smugmug.com

Above photos by Ed Dilorenzo

Flash Party after Ed Pierce seminar 3/30/08.  Photo by Curtis Newport

Brunch at The Cheesecake Factory before the Ed Pierce seminar 3/30/08.  Photo by Curtis Newport

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